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Working hours: Monday - Friday: 07:00 - 15:00 (0)52 537 124
Date of publication: January 3, 2025.

Director of the Special Hospital for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation "Martin Horvat" at a reception with the Istrian prefect Boris Miletić

At the headquarters of the Istrian County in Pula, Istrian Prefect Boris Miletić, together with the Head of the Department for Health and Social Welfare Dr. Gordana Antić, today hosted a reception for Barbara Peruško, the new director of the Special Hospital for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation "Martin Horvat" Rovinj-Rovigno.

Congratulating Director Peruško on her appointment and wishing her much success in her work, County Prefect Miletić was interested in how the work on the adaptation and arrangement of the Department for Children's Rehabilitation is progressing, a project jointly financed by the Istrian County and all Istrian cities and municipalities.

According to the director, everything is proceeding according to plan, and the construction work itself is expected to be completed by the end of March. The public procurement procedure for equipment is about to be announced. The renovation of the hospital restaurant was also recently completed, and it is worth recalling that a day hospital with one-day surgery was opened at the beginning of last year. A year earlier, the city and health resort swimming pool complex was opened as part of the Hospital.

Furthermore, there was a discussion about the situation with the health staff, where it was said that the situation is good, however, the Hospital would need an additional physiotherapist. Thanks to the County Program of Measures for Retaining and Attracting Human Resources in Public Health and Social Institutions, the Hospital has hired a psychologist.

The prefect expressed satisfaction that the measures are yielding results and emphasized that they will continue this year, and over 1.2 million euros have been allocated for this purpose in the Istrian County budget.

County Mayor Miletić said that the County will continue to be a partner and supporter of the "Martin Horvat" Special Hospital for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, an institution he founded, in order to continue its successful development. Let's mention that in this year's budget, among other things, the financing of the Early Intervention Team for children with neuro-risk difficulties is provided.

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Special Hospital for Orthopedics and Rehabilitation "Martin Horvat" Rovinj-Rovigno
Luigi Monti 2 52210 Rovinj, Croatia
Zagrebačka banka dd
IBAN: HR6023600001101240969
OIB: 06628576557
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